Strategy / Design

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We AspireTo find what we should aim for as a creative company

The company name "Climarks" was coined from the term "Mark a climax." Corporate brand, product brand, and recruitment brand... How to penetrate these areas to get to users relies heavily on the final output of creative areas striving for communication with the user, including websites, videos, and pamphlets.

Climarks aims for the pinnacle of creativity from the point of view of "Achieving the client's true goal" in branding areas, recruiting areas, and international areas.

We AchieveIn order to form a persistent and development relationship with the user

A large amount of power is required in order to achieve the business strategy of the client.

Consulting capabilities to extract challenges and create a direction based on an analysis of the market as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the company.
Information design capabilities to anticipate the direction and figure out how to achieve user communication.
Strong design capabilities to instill a sense of excitement and empathy on the target users.

We at Climarks believe that what customers are looking for is not someone to split this work with for delegation, but rather a professional partner to achieve the goal of "Achieving the true goal that they seek" with "the same perspective and expectations."

We will meet the things obviously aspired for by customers sincerely, accurately, and with amazing speed.
We will aim for the next stage together with the customer, help as a business partner from a professional perspective, and continue to grow together.

We believe these points to be the aspirations, feelings, and strengths of Climarks.

Takaaki Saito, President