Strategy / Design

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Multilingual Site Production

Supporting your multilingual website deployment and local marketing to accelerate your global expansion

At Climarks, we move away from simply translating a multilingual website. Our native and bilingual staff design a website to match the region and language, achieving a global Website Production directed at your target users from the perspective of a native speaker.
Thanks to our knowledge and extensive experience gained through the development of global web guidelines (Global Commons) of large corporations with multiple localized sites, as well as the construction of pilot websites, we can provide a one-stop solution oriented for global strategy, regulation, and local support.


Proposing optimal solutions to challenges in order to achieve your goals.

  • Wish to support English, Chinese, Korean, or other languages as well as Japanese.
  • Wish for web marketing support within Japan, or from a global perspective
  • Wish to communicate in English when constructing a website
  • Wish to establish web regulations from a global perspective
  • Wish to consolidate the design and structure of websites for different languages


Production WorkflowIn the case of a typical website

ResearchMarket & Present Data Analysis

Along with research on the current situation of global website deployment and target user analysis, conduct research and analysis on matters such as the role to be secured for the website for each region and country in order to determine a direction for proposals.

PlanningPlanning & Strategic Planning

Formulate mid- to long-term website strategies and operational strategies on the basis of Global Web Strategy Guidelines. We also define the necessity of pilot sites (standardized model) and Global Commons (standardization).

CreativeDesign & Construction &
Content Production

In order to achieve a faithful representation of the strategy during the construction phase, we will build a website that balances accurate information design along with high design quality in order to satisfy all stakeholders.

Development & Operation

We will develop design, HTML, and operational guidelines and continue to support a system for establishing a web operation flow, in order to effectively use and operate your published website. In addition to this, we will also thoroughly support practical work as well through periodic updates and more.


Mulitilingual Site Production Experience

Asahi Group HoldingsCorporate site

Renewal of the Japanese/English website. Full renewal of the site with a simple, unified design centered on the corporate colors. Improved usability with responsive web design and optimized for multiple devices.

JFE SystemsCorporate site

We planned and created a website for a steel-related SI company. We created a website with contents that clearly express the company's strengths and appeal, a design that expresses those strengths, a multifaceted solution and case study search function, and a CMS (PowerCMS) operating infrastructure.

HitachiGuideline Revision

Won the Excellence Award at the "2014 Web GRAND PRiX." Supported the revision of guidelines deployed to the web for 950 companies, 46 countries and regions, and 28 languages. Appealed priority business on the homepage with a video.

Japan Pulp and PaperCorporate site

Winner of the "2019 Web Grand Prix Corporate Website Award" for excellence. Planning and production of a corporate website for one of the world's leading paper distribution companies. We also reviewed the IR site and implemented a CMS to improve the efficiency of internal operations.

Mitani SangyoCorporate site

Planning and production of a corporate website for a leading Kanazawa trading company listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our one-stop service included design renewal, review of existing content, creation of new content based on interviews, translation and production of the site in English, filming of overseas bases, and construction of a foundation to enhance communication.

VELTRACorporate site

A new corporate website for a company that operates an overseas optional tour booking site. All pages are designed with a world view of the experience of traveling, and the CMS reduces the operational load and supports multiple languages. Responsive design.
