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Won the Silver Award at the 34th Japan BtoB Advertising Awards 2013, Japan BtoB Advertising Association.

Hitachi, Ltd.'s website "Hitachi Group Customer Case Study: Social Innovation Business Around the World," for which we were in charge of planning and production, won the Silver Award in the website category of the Japan BtoB Advertising Association's 34th Annual 2013 Japan BtoB Advertising Awards.

The "Japan BtoB Advertising Awards" is a contest for BtoB advertising works that has been held since 1980 to promote and popularize BtoB advertising. The contest focuses on communication tools in the field of BtoB advertising, and awards those with outstanding corporate communication activities (advertisers) and comprehensive production techniques (production companies) that are developed through their advertising works. The purpose of the awards is to promote the development and overall improvement of BtoB advertising, which plays a role in business marketing communication.

According to the critique by the judges, the overall quality of the case study introduction content was highly evaluated for its user-oriented content index structure, easy-to-understand content at every level including videos, and meticulous attention to detail as a global site with introductions in local languages. The award was given in recognition of the high quality of the overall case study introduction content.

About the award-winning works

Hitachi Group Customer Case Study: Social Innovation Business Around the World
This content introduces customer case studies from around the world of the Hitachi Group's Social Innovation Business. Our company was involved in the planning, design, and implementation of the renewal project, and by updating the copy and visuals, enhancing the search function, and optimizing the UX through the use of Google Maps, we were able to promote the dynamism of the business and the reality of the value provided.
Producer: Ryu Maeda / Project Manager: Kazuhiro Abe / Art Director: Shunji Kato / Director: Takamichi Ishizaki / Designer: Mariko Oshiro / Programmer: Satoru Furumata

Japan BtoB Advertising Association
Winners of the 34th Japan BtoB Advertising Awards 2013

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