Strategy / Design

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Support your global expansion in public relations and homepage production to differentiate your company from competitors with a translation strategy

As your localized translations of PR activities, such as Website Production, company profiles, catalogs, and videos will be viewed by a countless number of people, we place a high emphasis on translations done by native speakers or native checks. At Climarks, experienced translators specializing in a variety of genres will deliver translations to match the tone and manners your customers desire, achieving optimization for each tool.


Climarks is your one-stop from translation to production

  • Wish for multilingual support for your company's tools
  • In addition to the domestic market, wish to newly expand to overseas markets as well
  • Wish to construct a website, company profile, or catalog from a global perspective
  • Wish to consolidate the design and structure of websites for different languages
  • Wish for marketing support as well, such as SEO for each local region


  • English
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • French
  • Italy
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Thai
  • Vietnamese
  • Indonesian


  • University & education related
  • Manuals / Instruction manuals
  • Product catalogs / Pamphlets
  • DTP
  • Company profiles / introductions
  • Project proposals / Presentations
  • Human Resources / Administration
  • Education & Research Documents
  • Academic papers / Research reports
  • Translation subtitles / Narration


Translation WorkflowService tailored to the needs of individual customers

HearingOrganization of the customer's requests and careful investigation

Project manager and Coordinator
Upon having a detailed meeting with the customer, we will convey the details to a professional translator to match the customer's requests and adjust the delivery date.

CoordinateDeciding on the translator, operator, and checker

A professional translator will translate the contents in line with regulations and a glossary set out by the customer.

CheckDone by native or bilingual staff

Native Bilingual Checker
Checks will be conducted by native or bilingual checkers to check for the correct use of expressions and for proper names using regulations, glossaries, and websites. If necessary, we will also give feedback to the translator.

Optimization for the homepage

Project manager and Coordinator
We will move on to production after receiving the green flag for the translation from the customer.


Reasons why Climarks is chosen for translation and production

Climarks is your one-stop from translation to production.

Accumulation of knowledge and experience by staff experienced with multilingual website production and business tool production

Website design and construction to match the region and language by native speakers and bilingual staff


Want to order a translation and production all at once
We at Climarks are a group of translation, Website Production, catalog and video production professionals, so you can have peace of mind while placing collective orders.
We are having issues because the quality is different each time
In principle, a single translator will be in charge of a project. We will proceed with translations based on a glossary provided by the customer and past work delivered. We also welcome questions regarding contents after delivery, so please don't hesitate to contact us for follow-up support.
Regarding Technical Terminology
We will translate the contents based on a glossary provided by the customer. Although there should be no problems with the translation since all work is conducted by a professional translator, in the case that there is no glossary to supply, please let us know if there are any documents or websites to reference.
Regarding Confidentiality
We will thoroughly protect confidential information prior to information disclosure.
Please let us know if the conclusion of a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) is required.


Translation Service Experience

Mitani SangyoCorporate site

Planning and production of a corporate website for a leading Kanazawa trading company listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our one-stop service included design renewal, review of existing content, creation of new content based on interviews, translation and production of the site in English, filming of overseas bases, and construction of a foundation to enhance communication.

SEIBUNDO SHINKOSHA Publishing Corporate site

We planned and produced the renewal of the corporate website of a long-established publishing company. We photographed the main visual for the top page that conveys the history of the company. We also focused on the design of lines of communication for each category. We tried to improve both the corporate image and usability.

Teikyo Universitymultilingual site

Multilingual Website UniversityPlanning, production, and translation of multilingual websites. We use WordPress to reduce the burden of management. Responsive web design to support multiple devices.

Saint-Gobain Glass JapanCorporate site<

Planning and production of a Japanese/English website for a global company, using Drupal to reduce the operational load. Responsive web design to support multiple devices. The site was designed to bring out the appeal of the products with many visuals.
